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A Letter From President Cole on This Week’s Demonstrations

By Loyola University on Tue, 04/30/2024 - 16:52

Dear Loyola Community,

These are challenging times. We understand why many in our community are hurting and feel called to action in response to the suffering and loss of life in the Middle East. I have met with several student leaders over the past few days and I share their grief and desire to create change in our world.

My biggest concern right now is the safety of our students. I acknowledge everyone’s right to free speech, and I ask all Loyola students to conduct themselves in ways that prioritize their physical and emotional well-being. 

To Loyola students who are participating in the protest on Tulane’s campus: You are trespassing. Tulane police have issued repeated calls to disperse. We urge you to leave Tulane property immediately and return to your homes and to your preparations for the end of the semester. This is a fluid situation, tensions are high, and crowd behavior can be unpredictable. We want to ensure your safety and your ability to finish the academic year successfully. If you are nervous about leaving the protest site, you can call (504) 865-3434 and an LUPD officer will escort you back to Loyola’s campus without repercussions for your presence in the encampment.

If you are arrested during this demonstration, Loyola has no power to intervene in legal proceedings. You will be in violation of the student code of conduct and may face additional consequences. 

We want to reiterate our longstanding commitment to providing resources to support all students, ensuring they have access to counseling, spiritual companionship and mental health resources. These difficult moments have prompted me to turn to our mission statement and values. Our mission calls us to care for others and to respond in prayer and action, advocating for peace and justice. It also summons us to be an institution of inclusion, welcoming students from all backgrounds, promoting open discussion, and upholding academic freedom. 

As we move forward, let’s remember our collective goals – fostering dialogue over division, engagement over isolation, and understanding over conflict. 

Peace and Blessings,

Dr. Cole

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