"What's Your True Calling?"


Choose the answer that best fits you. Be sure to keep track of which letters you've chosen, so you can see your results at the end.


Imagine there's a global pandemic. 你:

A. Read stories and watch videos about how the disease is impacting families. Start a blog of your thoughts and ideas.

B. Analyze the charts and graphs of infection statistics. Watch the stock market ebb and flow.

C. Watch stage theatre, live concerts, and other performances. Learn a new art/design medium or create your own video/channel.

D. Comb through scientific analysis and research about the virus and calculate your own projections. Dive into and/or develop a new computer game.


You’re shipwrecked on an island. One of your first thoughts is:

A. This is going to make a great story.

B. 我需要一个计划.

C. I’m going to write HELP ME in the sand in big letters for a plane flying overhead.

D. I’ll take inventory of what I can use from the island.


A message for you is flying on a banner behind an airplane. 你:

A. Think there should be a comma after your name and before the message.

B. Wonder how much it cost.

C. Notice the font and word color choices.

D. Consider the speed of the plane and wind, and what trajectory keeps the banner upright.


You’re riding a bike and it stops working. 你是做什么的??

A. Call a friend to explain the details of the situation before asking for help.

B. Get out the manual, identity what’s not working, and decide if you can fix it.

C. Step back to get a good view of your bike, find images of it on your phone, watch videos (perhaps a few not about fixing your bike), 如果可以的话,把它修好.

D. Take the bike apart and figure out what’s not working. Put it back together most likely using your own instinct rather than a manual. If you got hurt you might get distracted checking out the wound.


If you developed an app for a smart device, the topic would be:

A. Favorite novels, reliable news sources, a new social media platform, or historical facts.

B. Items for sale, chore charts, top businesses or restaurants, or the best times to attend events.

C. Recording music or videos, editing graphics, finding performance venues, or auditions.

D. Identifying flora and fauna, 电脑游戏, calculating environmental impacts, 识别损伤, 或者犯罪统计.


When studying another country you are most interested in:

A. Learning the history, how the people live, and a bit of the language.

B. How the systems work like transportation or government, the money exchange rate, and the types of companies and industry.

C. The museums, theatre, architecture, film, and music — both currently and historically.

D. The landscape, climate, and types of 技术 available. 


"What's Your True Calling?测验结果

Loyola University 新奥尔良

Mostly A: Aspire to Make Headlines

As someone who can start conversations, 改变思想, 通知的决定, 塑造世界观, 你是一个讲故事的人, 一个影响, 实干家和修理工. 


  • ​​​​​​Loyola’s vast array of communication skilled fields offer you hands-on learning from paper to digital and beyond to the newest communication 创新s. 

  • Whether your interest is in print, broadcast, or multimedia you’ll make your voice the future. 

  • Partnerships between Loyola and 新奥尔良 industries connect you with important networks allowing you to explore the career options and find your future. 

  • The Maroon, Loyola’s university newspaper, is ranked #5 in the country. 



洛约拉为您提供: Advertising, Classical Studies, English Literature, English Writing, English (Film & 数字媒体), 法国, 历史, 新闻(印刷, 在线, 电子), 拉丁美洲研究, 大众传播, 哲学, 公共关系, 宗教研究, 社会学, 西班牙语

Mostly B: Build Your Entrepreneurial  精神

As an entrepreneur and thought leader you're ready to invest, 分析, 制定策略, and change the game in the business industry.


  • 在洛约拉, you’ll engage in hands-on class experiences and real world intern opportunities to make an impact locally and globally. 

  • You’ll turn big ideas into big business by learning how to monetize your imagination. 

  • 创造力, 创新, and hard work thrive at Loyola and in 新奥尔良 which is ranked #1 Brainpower City in the U.S. and the #3 Best City for Tech jobs. 

  • 100% of classes link course work to real-world experience at Loyola — that’s a difference maker.



洛约拉为您提供: 会计, 业务分析, 经济学, 创业, 探索性的研究 - Business, 金融, 国际业务, 管理, 市场营销

Mostly C: Create Something Meaningful.

As a professional artist with powerful creativity and intense observational skills, the impact of your ideas on other people and the industry will shape the world.


  • Loyola is a creative hub: a music conservatory, an art gallery, a laboratory, and a recording studio. 

  • You will learn the business of art — ways to protect your intellectual property and monetize your creativity. 

  • You’ll draw inspiration from 新奥尔良' rich history and diverse art scene to feed your imagination. 

  • 新奥尔良 ranks as the #1 city for 有创意的 Professionals and is the birthplace of Jazz.



洛约拉为您提供: Composition, Design, Interactive Design, Digital Filmmaking, Jazz Studies, Hip Hop and R&B, 音乐, 音乐教育, 音乐产业研究, 表演, 音乐表演, 音乐疗法, 音乐 with Elective Studies, Popular and Commercial 音乐, 戏剧艺术, 戏剧艺术 and 音乐al Theatre, 戏剧艺术 with a minor in Business.

Mostly D: 发现 the World. 观察. 问题.

You're going to redesign the world through innovative and thoughtful use of science, 技术, engineering and mathematics.


  • Your vision will quantify the natural world and dare to improve upon it.

  • 在洛约拉, you’ll find your scientific process and use it to shape the future into something better than we can imagine. 

  • Over 3400 jobs and internships with industry and specialty partners across the globe are available to Loyola students. 

  • Loyola will get you the hands-on experience you need to make your mark.



洛约拉为您提供: Biochemistry/Pre-Health, 生物科学, 生物物理学/ Pre-Health, 化学, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science - Game Programming or Cybersecurity, Criminology and Justice, 环境科学, 环境研究, 法医化学, 数学, 神经科学, 物理, 前期, Pre-护理, Psychological Sciences/Pre-health, 公共卫生

A mix of letters: Entertain the Possibilities

You want hands-on experiences, preparation for a career that may not even exist yet and the critical thinking skills and creative incubation to set the world on fire or at least make a difference in your community.


  • You have a lot of interests, a lot of ideas, and are looking for a place to give your passion lift. 

  • Loyola and the great city of 新奥尔良 will help you take your passion and launch it into a career. 

  • 85% of Loyola grads have jobs or enroll in grad school within 6 months of graduation. 

  • You’ll dream big, be inspired, develop in cutting-edge programs and get much more than a degree.



洛约拉为您提供: Over 60 majors and fields of study from 会计 to Instrumental 表演 and 国际业务 to Hip Hop and R&B. Check out a full list here: 所有的可能性


This major quiz is just a fun way to offer some insight into the programs at Loyola University. The results of the quiz are completely untested and unresearched.


For truly in depth and research based surveys to guide your future, we invite you to access an 在线 tool called Focus 2. It is a series of 5 short assessments (Work Interest Inventory, 人格评估, 技能, 工作价值观, Leisure Activities and based on the results it provides major and career recommendations. It is customized and linked to Loyola Majors.  在这里 is the link to the assessment. The code for access is wolfpack.


另外, you can set up an appointment to discuss your future with The Pan American 学生的成功 Center. 联系 your admissions counselor or career@bomabearing.com directly to talk with a trained career coach.